Advancing media in times of uncertainty

Jinn is a Berlin-based hub for exile media and cross-border cooperation.

What we do?

Exile Media Hub Berlin

More information

The Exile Media Hub offers a versatile workspace designed for journalists and media professionals. Located in the heart of Berlin, our amenities include coworking areas, training rooms, meeting spaces, and a pop-up studio for seamless audio and video recordings. We provide essential facilities for basic activities and additional offerings such as language classes, finance and project management workshops, and personalized consultations to support media workers and freelance as well as independent journalists. We are committed to providing support and resources to journalists in need, ensuring they have the assistance and guidance necessary to navigate their work in exile.

More information



Advancing Journalists from Russian Regions (RU)

Call for applications: Micro-grants, fellowships and consultations for journalists from Russian regions and media in exile. Deadline: August 31, 2024.


Novaya Investigative Lab (RU)

Call for applications: Training and fellowship program for young journalists with 4 modules, financial support and internships at leading news outlets and investigative media in Armenia, Moldova, Germany and Russian exiled media. Deadline: July 31, 2024.


Webinars: online trainings for Russian media and everyone who makes media projects (RU)

Webinar topics: fundraising and grant writing for independent media; opportunities for cross-border cooperation for media in Russia and media in exile; professional burnout in media; opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in media work. For more details, webinar schedule and registration form, please visit the page.


Consultations for independent Russian media (RU)

Together with our experts, we provide individual and group consultations for journalists, editorial offices and media projects. The consultations take place online or offline at the media hub in Berlin upon request. Click here for possible consultation topics and application form.


Metamedia: Advancing Russian media in crisis. Call for applications.

We are launching a call for applications for a support program for independent Russian media outlets. The Metamedia team provides financial, advisory, and educational support for regional media, freelancers, independent investigators, and freelance journalists. Check the page for deadlines for applications for the trainings and the support program.


Collaborative Journalism Fellowship: Call for Applications

The Fellowship is part of the Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI), aiming to equip independent media outlets and individual journalists with resources, innovative networking infrastructure, and standards-based methods for high-quality, ethical, and accountable collaborative and investigative journalism. Deadline for applications: 04.03.2024


Nexus: Cross-Border Center for Investigative Reporting

Training and media support program for journalists and CSOs from Kazakhstan, Mongolia, South Africa, the Sahel countries, and the West Balkans. Check the page for deadlines for applications for the trainings and the support program. 


Strengthening Ukrainian Investigative Reporting: Call for applications

The programme provides short-term grants for journalistic investigations, reporting, and content production. Applications are accepted from editorial offices and freelance journalists from Ukraine on topics such as Russian invasion and war crimes, social, cultural, historical, and other issues. Deadline for applications: 27.11.2023.


Connecting the Dots: Call for applications

Connecting the Dots provides short-term grants for journalistic investigations, reporting, and content production for independent Belarusian and Russian Media. Deadline for applications: 27.11.2023.


Berlin incubator for media in exile: Call for applications

BIMEX: Berlin Incubator for Media in Exile is a capacity building programme for independent Belarusian and Russian Media. Deadline for applications: 15.09.2023.


Exile Media Hub Berlin: Call for applications (RU)

We are happy to announce the launch of the Exile Media Hub Berlin starting from 15 August, 2023. Russian and Belarusian freelance journalists, media outlets and representatives of media projects in exile located in Germany are eligible for participation. The participants of the Hub will be selected on a competitive basis. The first application deadline is 5 August, 2023. The second deadline is 6&nbspOctober,&nbsp2023.


Russian media support programme (Metamedia): Call for applications (RU)

The call for applications for the programmes to support independent Russian media and journalistic projects is now open. The second deadline is April 15, 2023.


Russian Media Incubator: Call for applications

6-month educational and mentorship programmes for independent Russian media outlets and media in exile with training and consultancy in business-models, fundraising strategies, development of security protocols, legal and project support. Apply by January 20, 2023.


Connecting the dots: Call for applications of cross-border projects with German media

We are launching a new funding programme to establish and expand cross-border cooperation between media workers, investigative journalists, and data professionals from Belarus and Russia, and their German counterparts. Exiled media from Belarus and Russia, freelance journalists and media start-ups are eligible to apply. Cooperation projects with German media, NGOs and other stakeholders are very welcome to apply. Applications should be designed as short-term investigative or content production projects, and can request grants from 1,000 to 25,000 euros. Application deadline: December 23, 2022.


Partner’s project “Shpargalka” gives a helping hand to the exiled media (RU)

JX Fund, European Fund for Journalism in Exile, together with the Mass Media Defence Centre from Russia has now launched the information platform “Shpargalka” (a Russian word for “cheat sheet”). Hundreds of Belarusian and Russian journalists flew from their home countries due to the risk of persecution at home. “Shpargalka” aims to help the relocating media workers to choose a country of exile most suitable for their needs.


Berlin Incubator for Media in Exile: Call for applications

Media that have already relocated to Germany or those planning to relocate are invited to apply for participation in BIMEX, a newly launched programme to support independent media from Belarus and Russia in times of war and authoritarianism. The application deadline is October 10, 2022.


Partner’s project Ukraine Incubator invites Ukrainian media workers to a capacity building programme

The journalist network n-ost invites Ukrainian independent media to participate in the Ukrainian Incubator BoostYourMedia. The programme helps editorial offices to build and maintain sustainability and ensure the production of quality content through individual consulting sessions and a tailor-made approach. The Ukraine-based media aiming to reach both Ukrainian and international audiences and German-based Ukrainian media are eligible to apply. The application deadline is October 30, 2022.


Repressions. Resistance. Relocation. Russian and Belarusian Media in War and Peace. First jinn conference in Berlin 2022

Resistance, emergency support and relocation of Belarusian and Russian media during the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine were discussed throughout the first Journalists in Need conference in the City Hall of Berlin (Rotes Rathaus) on 11-12 May 2022. Journalists and media experts discussed unprecedented repressions against independent media, strategies and opportunities, and underlined the importance of short- and long-term aid for the development of media in exile and cross-border media projects.

Open positions

Please send your resume, certificates and motivation letter in German to

Assistance in finance management (DE: m/w/d), ab sofort

Anstellung ab 50% in Berlin, Entlohnung in Anlehnung an TVöD Bund, 1+ Jahre Erfahrung in Projekt- or Finanzmanagement, fließend Deutsch und Englisch, gute Russischkenntnisse von Vorteil.

Was auf Dich zukommt:

  • Abrechnung von Veranstaltungs- und Reisekosten
  • Prüfung, Kontierung und Verbuchung laufender Geschäftsvorfälle
  • Bearbeitung von Gehaltsabrechnungen, Recherche sämtlicher im Personalbereich anfallender Themen, keine Personalverantwortung
  • Haushaltsplanung in Zusammenarbeit mit Geschäftsführung
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Steuerberater*in und Wirtschaftsprüfer*in, Ansprechpartner*in bei Betriebsprüfungen
  • Koordination und Unterstützung von organisationstechnischen Aufgaben
  • Aktive Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung im Tagesgeschäft
  • Eigenständige Durchführung von Sonderaufgaben

Was solltest Du mitbringen:

  • Abgeschlossene, dem Aufgabengebiet entsprechende steuerfachliche oder kaufmännische Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung ODER ein relevantes Studium, z.B. in Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Sozialwissenschaften mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung in Projekt- und Finanzmanagement
  • Sehr gute organisatorische und kommunikative Fähigkeiten, Teamfähigkeit, ein hohes Maß an Einsatzbereitschaft, Selbstständigkeit und Lösungsorientierung
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (verhandlungssicher)
  • Gute Ukrainisch- und/oder Russischkenntnisse von Vorteil
  • Mindestens 1 Jahr Berufserfahrung im Bereich Finanz-, Projekt- oder Kulturmanagement, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit etc.
  • Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office Programmen
  • Kenntnisse von Accounting-Software, IT-Systemen, Controlling-Standards und Monitoring-Instrumenten von Vorteil
  • Eigenverantwortliche, strukturierte und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
  • Hohe Serviceorientierung und Diskretion

Wie wir Dich begeistern:

  • Mit einer unbefristeten Stelle ab 50%, Entlohnung in Anlehnung an TVöD Bund
  • Mit unserem jungen und internationalen Team
  • Mit einer abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeit & flachen Hierarchien, wo wirklich jede/r Einzelne zählt
  • Mit vielfältigen Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten in Form von Trainings, Coachings und Seminaren


Wir bieten Dir die einmalige Chance, mit uns ausländische Medien und zivilgesellschafftliche Akteuer*innen zu fördern und einen Beitrag zu Frieden und Demokratie in Europa zu leisten. Wir freuen uns auf Deine digitalen Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail an bis 30. April 2024.

  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf
  • Zeugnisse
  • Gehaltsvorstellung (für Wochenstunden) und frühestmöglicher Eintrittstermin

Financial support